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Makers Empire Teacher Dashboard
Classes | Student & Teacher Accounts | View & Assess | Download Designs for 3D Printing
How can I swap between the Makers Empire 3D app and my Teacher Dashboard?
Can I generate a certificate for my student when they complete a Challenge Course?
What is 'Heart' on a user account?
Pro Training Class Report
Why don't I see Advanced designs in the Teacher Dashboard?
Makeshop - order from the Teacher Dashboard
Design Reviewer with rubrics
What are Arenas?
How do I log in to the Teacher Dashboard?
FAQ and troubleshooting for Google Classroom
How do I get Individual QR codes?
How can I use Clever to login to Makers Empire?
What do I do if my district doesn't have access in Clever?
How do I reset the password for my teacher account?
How do I log in to the Teacher's Dashboard with Google Classroom for teachers and students?
How do I get my class QR code?
How can we login using a QR Code?
How can I find my students' login details or class list?
How can I link Makers Empire to my Polar Cloud account?
Clever error about 'not yet connected this app to your Clever account'
How do I create/add new student accounts?
How can I merge students' accounts?
How do I change a student's username?
What do I do if a student forgets their password?
How do I reset a student's password in the Teacher Dashboard?
How do I delete a student account from the Teacher Dashboard?
How can I unlock shapes or give tokens to my students?
How do I disable/enable Maze Mania (previously called Game Zone) for some students?
Why are users not appearing online?
How do I assign Challenge Courses for my students?
Should I create a Makers Empire login for my students or use Google Classroom?
How do I delete classes?
How can I prevent students from creating new accounts at my school?
How can I import new classes, and update old class lists with .CSV files?
How do I add a new class?
How can I change a student's class?
How do I use Extra classes?
What are class codes used for?
How do I reset the class codes?
How do I favourite a class of mine?
How can I archive a class?
What are my options re student privacy and sensitive content?
My Clever classes aren't syncing or not up to date
How do I monitor and assess my students' Challenge Course progress?
What is the Effort Score?
How can I quickly download/assess/delete multiple designs at once?
How can I view and assess my students' work?
How do I view, like, comment on, print or delete students' designs?
How do I assess students' work with the built-in assessment tools?
What are GLB/OBJ files?