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How can I archive a class?

During end-of-year rollover you may have students that are no longer at your school.

Jon Soong avatar
Written by Jon Soong
Updated over a week ago

If you have a class of students that are leaving the school, and will no longer be using Makers Empire at school, you can archive a class rather than deleting it. Archiving a class will retain all the students' account information and designs.


1. Log in to the Teachers Dashboard and go to Class Management > Classes

2. Find the class that you wish to archive and click the dropdown menu (arrow icon)

3. Click Archive/Delete Class

This will move all students in the class to the Archived Students class. If you don't already have an Archived Students class, it will be automatically created for you.

The students will still be able to access Makers Empire at home and you can move the students into other classes later if you need to.

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