Unlocking / buying shapes, blocks and/or hero parts works in essentially the same way.
There are two ways to unlock / buy parts: browse the shop, or unlock specific parts.
1. In Shaper, Blocker or Hero, click the Shopping Cart button to open the shop.
2. The shop will open in the corresponding section, e.g. if you click the shopping cart in Shaper, the shop will open in the Shaper section. You can change between Shaper, Blocker, Hero and Lucky Dip using the buttons at the top.
3. Shapes, blocks and hero parts are organised into packs. Click any pack to see the contents.
4. Click on a shape, block or hero part for a closer view. The shop keeper will ask you "Buy this for XX tokens?" Click Yes (tick) to buy / unlock.
5. If you have enough tokens the card will change colour and you can just click the pink close (X) button to keep shopping. If you do not have enough tokens, the shop keeper will tell you "Sorry - you don't have enough tokens!" For tips on getting tokens, refer to the article How can I get more tokens?
1. In the Shaper, Blocker or Hero editor, you can see locked parts in the parts grid.
2. To unlock a specific part, click on the corresponding lock icon.
3. The shop keeper will ask you "Buy this for XX tokens?" Click Yes (tick).
4. If you have enough tokens you can then click the blue return button to go straight back to the editor and use your new shape, or click the pink close (X) button to keep shopping. If you do not have enough tokens, the shop keeper will tell you "Sorry - you don't have enough tokens!" For tips on getting tokens, refer to the article How can I get more tokens?