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How do I use the Cut tool (formerly Boolean) - in Shaper?

How to use the Cut tool in Shaper to create new shapes.

Jon Soong avatar
Written by Jon Soong
Updated over a week ago

In this article:
• How to use the Cut tool
• Why does Cut sometimes fail?
• What to do when Cut fails


One of the more advanced tools in Shaper is Cut, which is used to create complex shapes by subtracting or intersecting two overlapping shapes.

Think of the Boolean tool like using a cookie cutter; when you subtract a shape you remove the dough on the inside and keep the dough on the outside of the cookie cutter; when you intersect a shape you remove the dough on the outside and keep the dough on the inside of the cookie cutter.

1. Start with two overlapping shapes in Shaper.

2. Select one shape, click the menu button (three horizontal lines), then click the Cut button (two circles).

3. Choose if you want to make a Hole, or keep the Overlap area, then click Ok.
Hole will use shape 1 to create a void in shape 2, like a paper punch. Overlap will keep the area where shape 1 and 2 cross over, like cutting a cookie out of dough.

4. You can use Cut multiple times to create more complex and unique shapes, for example, this piece of Swiss cheese.


Cutting 3D shapes is a complex operation, not just for users to master, but also for any app to handle.

All 3D shapes are made up of vertices. The more complex and curved a shape, the more vertices it will contain. For example, a cube has only 24 vertices, but the soap shape has over 5000.

Every time you use Cut, the remaining shape becomes more complex. Once a shape reaches around 50,000 vertices, the app just can't handle it any more and you will see the a message telling you "Oops, something went wrong. Try using simpler shapes.".


If you see the "Oops, something went wrong. Try using simpler shapes." message, that combination of shapes will never work.

In this case you will need to consider work arounds to achieve your desired design:
• Try to avoid combining complex shapes when you use Cut. You can apply Cut to shapes from the Basic Shapes pack many more times than you could to shapes from the Advanced Shapes pack, or text.
• Try to avoid using Cut multiple times on a complex shape, the total number of vertices will quickly compound.

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