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What are the options for creating/using lesson plans and design missions?
What are the options for creating/using lesson plans and design missions?

Create a lesson, Access lesson plans, and create a design mission in the app.

Jon Soong avatar
Written by Jon Soong
Updated over a week ago

We provide 3 options for creating lessons/missions. 

Two of those options are based on Design Thinking, are aligned to standardized curriculum, and are located inside the Teachers Dashboard. These options are 1) Create a lesson plan or 2) Choose a lesson plan. We have over 200 lesson plans to choose from. See below for instructions on both of these options.

3) Create a design mission inside the Makers Empire 3D app. There are two ways to learn how to do this:
​ Watch video on how to create design missions in the app  

or view step by step directions here:
Step-by-step on how to create design mission in the app


Instructions on accessing ready made lesson plans

Important Note: Makers Empire lessons are based on Design Thinking. If you are unfamiliar with Design Thinking we recommend that you complete the Professional Development series in the Teachers Dashboard. It will give you a good overview and help you understand how to implement it in your classroom. Login to the teachers Dashboard and click Professional Development.

If you are familiar with Design Thinking 

  1. Login to the teacher’s dashboard at  and follow these steps:

2. Once you choose a lesson if you scroll to the bottom of the page you can see how the lesson plan is aligned with curriculum - including Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, ISTE, and Australian Curriculum.  

Instructions on how to create your own lesson plan

  1. Login to the teachers dashboard at and follow the steps on the below image.

2. Name your lesson and then it will walk you through how to create a lesson plan. 

3. Create your lesson plan.

4. If you would like to align your lesson plan to NGSS, Common Core, ISTE, or Australian curriculum you can do so by scrolling down until you see this:

5. After choosing which standard, click the small button to drill down to specific standards and align it to your lesson. 

6. To learn how to use the app and navigate your students through it click here:

 If something was not included here feel free to email us at and we will ensure your questions are answered.

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