Sometimes students have a Makers Empire account that is not associated with their school's account. The most common reasons for this are:
They have already used the free version of the Makers Empire 3D app at home.
They clicked the New button instead of the Log In button the first time they used Makers Empire 3D at school.
Understandably, students often don't want to lose all their progress when they switch to their school created account.
Teachers can allow their students with a non-school Makers Empire account to join their class by following the steps below.
Find your Class Code:
Log in to your Teacher Dashboard
Go to Class Management > Classes, and select the relevant class
Your Class Code appears beneath your class' name
Go to My Profile (top right tab)
Go to Settings (the grey cog)
Click Add a Class Code
Enter your Class Code and click Next
If you have already created an account for your student, you probably don't want two accounts for the same student cluttering up your class roster. Learn how to merge student accounts here: