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How to 'cut' a 3D file in Flashprint 5

These are the steps to 'cut' the bottom off from a 3D file, in order for it to print onto the platform more reliably

Luke Henderson avatar
Written by Luke Henderson
Updated over a year ago

NOTE: To determine how much surface area will be touching the print bed of the printer, simply look from below. Only areas touching the platform in Flashprint 5 will be highlighted in BLUE

Step 1:

To begin with, rotate your view to view the bottom of your design. If you see no blue patch, it indicates that the design has no surface area touching the platform. You can see in the example below; there is no blue patch.

Step 2:

Select the 'Cut' tool from the right-hand-side, and select the 'Z-axis' from the four options in the menu

Step 3:

Click and drag the red disk up or down, to determine the section of the design that you want to cut and separate. Once you're happy with the section to cut, you can click 'Start Cut' to separate the design.

Step 4:

Select the section you want to remove and click 'Delete' on your keyboard. Alternatively you can keep this separated section, and print it separately, to be glued back together once finished.

Step 5:

The final thing to do with the 'cut' design, is to use the 'Move' menu on the right-hand-side to snap the design back to the printing platform. To do this, simply click "On Platform". You'll then notice a large blue patch, which indicates a new section of surface area that will stick well to the platform.

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