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How does the Print Check work?

Students and teachers can use the Print Check tool to scan their design for potential errors, saving time and reducing waste.

Jon Soong avatar
Written by Jon Soong
Updated over a week ago

PLEASE NOTE: this feature is still in development. If you notice any errors or have any feedback, please contact us at

The Print Check tool helps students and teachers identify problem areas in their designs that might prevent them from printing well.

Here's how it works:

  1. Make a design in the Shaper module and click the Print Check tab.

  2. Click the Start button to begin the print check.

  3. Print Check will scan your design for the three most common errors:
    • Floating/unjoined shapes
    • Shapes that extend below the work platform
    • Very thin and/or very pointy shapes

  4. Very thin areas are simply shapes that are too fine to print. The exact thickness varies somewhat depending on what type of printer and material you are using, but as a rough rule, we recommend making any 'walls' at least 1.4mm thick and avoiding very fine shapes that are likely to snap.

    Very thin areas will be highlighted in a scale from red (definitely too thin) through to yellow (potentially too thin).

    You can try to thicken any thin parts and then run the Print Check again by pressing the Start button. If some thin parts are not crucial to your design you might want to remove them entirely to be safe.

    NOTE: Scanning for thin parts is a complicated computing process and the resulting colour scale may not always be a precise representation of the issue - it's best to double-check and use your judgement before proceeding.

  5. Shapes that are cut by the platform will be highlighted in a flashing red. Any shapes that are below the platform will be cut off when the design is exported as an STL. Some users do this intentionally and it is not necessarily a bad thing, you just need to double check that you won't lose any important shapes in your design.

    TIP! A common cause of shapes being cut by the platform is users setting their workspace to have no visible 'floor'.

  6. Floating shapes are any shapes that are not joined to the main body of your design. Click on the Show button to check all the floating shapes.

    Sometimes this is an intentional part of the design, such as these trees along the side of the house.

    It is quite common for students to lose track of some small shapes and it is these accidental shapes that we want to remove before sending a design to print.

    You can click the Delete all button if you are sure that you don't need any of the floating shapes, or you can manually delete them one at a time.

    If you do want to print some components separately, e.g. a pot and a lid, you can choose to ignore the warning. Otherwise, you might want to consider adjusting your design to link the shapes together somehow, e.g. adding a base to join the house and the trees.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact

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