NOTE: These instructions are not compatible for newer versions of Flashprint (version 5.0 or higher).
Having installed the Flashprint software, after opening you'll be prompted to input the type of machine you have. In the drop down, select your model name and click 'OK'
Next, the software will show you the various buttons and what they do.
One setting you can change to get the best experience:
Auto layout
Loading a file
To load a file (.stl file downloaded from the Teachers Dashboard) click on 'Load' and select your .stl file. It should then show up in the 3D view.
The Three Ways of Altering Files Before Printing:
To move an object, first click it so it goes white.
Then click on 'Move'
You can then click and drag the object around the print bed.
NOTE: By clicking once more on 'Move' you can access a more accurate menu.
To rotate an object in any direction, first click it so it goes white.
Then click 'Rotate'.
You can then click and drag either of the three rings to rotate the object.
NOTE: By clicking once more on 'Rotate' you can access a more accurate menu.
To scale an object, first click it so it goes white.
Then click 'scale'.
You can then click and drag up on the object and it will scale uniformly.
NOTE: By clicking once more on 'Scale' you can access a more accurate menu.
Adding Supports if Needed
By rotating the view (click and hold Right-Mouse-Button and drag the cursor), we can view any potential areas that will need supports. These are areas with an angle greater than 45 degrees from vertical. There are some on the tree below.
To add supports, first click on 'Supports'. Then click on 'Supports Options' and select 'Linear' instead of 'Treelike'. NOTE: You will only need to set this once, it will save the setting from now on.
Now that you've selected 'Linear', you can click on 'Auto Supports' and the software will automatically make them all for you.
Next, click on 'Back' and say 'no' to saving this file.
Sending Your Print
Next up we need to connect to the Inventor IIS. First, check that the included USB cable in connected between your computer and the printer. Begin by clicking on 'Print' and selecting 'Connect Machine'
Ensuring that your 'Connect Mode' is USB, you should click 'Rescan' and the printer should now show in the 'Select Machine' Drop-down bar.
With your printer selected, click 'Connect'. NOTE: If you have issues connecting to your Inventor IIS, please contact your IT department as the drivers may not have installed correctly.
Once connected, click on the blue 'Print' button and check your settings. The default settings should be perfect. Then click on 'OK' and the software will 'slice' your model into the different layers for printing.
Once 'slicing' is complete, you will notice, in the top right corner, an estimate of print time and material usage. Also, on the left hand side is a slider bar. This will let you inspect each layer of the print.
If you're ready to go, simply click on 'Print' and the file will get sent to the printer.
Once you confirm it is indeed printing, you can disconnect the computer by going to 'Print' and clicking 'Disconnect'. Then just unplug the USB cable and your Inventor IIS will keep going by itself.
The next thing for you to do is to remove the print once it's finished.
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