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Precision Rotate

How to use the Precision Rotate tool in Shaper

Jon Soong avatar
Written by Jon Soong
Updated over 5 years ago

Precision Rotate allows the user to accurately control the exact rotation of the shapes in their Shaper designs.

To open Precision Rotate, select a shape (or linked group of shapes) and then click on the Rotate icon.

The rotation angle of your shape is measured from the centre of your shape relative to a global position. The global position  is the angles your shape was on when you first place it in your design.

At X=0, Y=0, Z=0 your shape will be pointing directly upwards and the base of your selected shape will be perfectly parallel to the work platform.

There are three ways to control the rotation of your shape(s):

1. Use the XYZ co-ordinates

You can use easily the X, Y & Z axis to rotate your shape to any combination of angles.

NOTE: The X, Y & Z axis are colour coded to make it easier for users to know which way their shape is going to rotate. Positive values rotate clockwise. Negative values rotate anti-clockwise.

2. Use Steps

Under the X, Y & Z boxes, you'll see "Rotate step".

You can use steps to move your shape(s) by a set angle, i.e. a step.

If I set my step size to 10º and then drag a red rotation handle (dot), my cone will rotate by increments of 10º on the X axis only.

You can set any step size you want, above 0.1º.

3. Rotate Ball

In Precision Rotate mode there is a translucent ball around your shape. You can hold and drag the surface of the ball to rotate your shape freely in any direction.


4. Hold and drag the Rotate icon.

You can still rotate your shape by holding and dragging the Rotate icon. As you drag the icon around, coloured indicator labels will appear to show you the angle of your shape on each axis, relative to its initial global position.

Once you've mastered Precision Rotate, there are two other Precision Modes you should learn about: Precision Move and Precision Size.

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